Friday, May 8, 2015


Throughout this semester I learned a lot probably the most I have ever learned in one class. Before taken this class, I despised social studies because I always found it boring. Now i have a whole different perspective on social studies. Dr. Smirnova has taught me to use technology during teaching. I learned how to use google docs for the first time and its been one of the most useful technology yet. I learned about many different games and useful websites that can be beneficial when I teach in the future. I also learned how to implement three different instructions into my classroom: direct, inquiry and cooperative. I learned how to write a lesson plan for direct, inquiry and cooperative in the correct format. I couldn't believe how much i learned in this one class during the semester. I am now knowledgeable of many new techniques, strategies, technology and activities that I can incorporate into my classroom when I teach. 
Mock Interview
We got the experience in class, to pretend to be on job interview. Dr. Smirnova assigned three students to be the interviewees and other three students to get interviewed. I was one of the students that got interviewed. We had to show up on time to class as if it was a real job interview. We dressed appropriately and had a resume printed out. The interviewees got the chance to meet with everyone and asked them specific questions. I think this was a great experience because they were reasonable questions and we got feedback on how our interview went from our peers. This experience made me reflect on my experience and prepare me for other interviews in the future. 

Searching for Evidence: Who Am I?
Today we taught an inquiry lesson, which is the second lesson of this unit. The students were asked to investigate material on important leaders of the American Revolution and see how evidence leads to the answer. The students were given tools and used their prior knowledge to complete the inquiry process. I started off by showing the students pictures of the battles that took place during the American Revolution to activate their prior knowledge. 
Next, I questioned the students if they know the steps of the scientific method. I showed the steps one bye one in order for different students to respond and see if their responds before the next one is given. Then, I briefly review and explain what each step for this process means. I provided examples throughout the presentation, so the students get an idea of each inquiry steps. 
The students will be set into groups. My fellow classmates and I will hand out five brown paper bags along with the folders to each group including the detective report forms for each individual student. I explained the report for to the students after each student had a copy. The students were given three minutes to look at the picture and objective on the front of their folders and create a hypothesis. The students scanned QR code that was in each bag. One teacher candidates helped out each group because they needed to borrow there Iphone. The students scanned the QR code and a question appeared. The students had to collectively agree and communicate to agree on an answer. When the time is up, the students will come up with a conclusion of who they think they have. The students at the end, presented their findings to their classmates.
I found this activity to be very succesful, I was impressed to see how engaged the students were doing this activity. This was one of my best activities I did at Bishop Dunn. It was a great feeling watching the students learning and having fun all at the same time. My goal as a teacher is to make the students want to come to class and learn because they enjoy it. I was delighted to get this experience and present this lesson to these students.