Wednesday, April 22, 2015

This lesson I got the opportunity to teach was taught through a cooperative instruction. The students will be learning how effective the five w's are while reading and writing based on a current event article given. The students will be able to keep up with today's new and problems or achievements across the globe. Students will be switching charts with other groups to use the five w's to come up ith an opening paragraph. Students will be working with their partner cooperatively to complete this assignment. This lesson began asking the students if they know what the five w's are to review their prior knowledge. I provided a song that will help the students to understand what the five w's mean and help them remember each one.
I presented the PowerPoint: Exploring The World. This presentation  provided examples and pictures of the five w's, explaining each one. After the presentation was completed, I displayed an article on the board to show the students an example. I had the students help me identify the five w's in the article and labeled them. The students will be identifying the five w's together with their partner on the homework article that received. Next, the students will be switching charts and will create an opening paragraph for the current event article using only the five w's. The students will switch back and compare what their classmates have written. To close this activity each set of partners will prepare a presentation and reflection of what they found comparing the original article and opening paragraph. 
I found this lesson interesting because we were using current events to distinguish the five w's and most of the articles that were given out to the students were very interesting. I enjoyed this activity because  I felt the need to enforce how important the five w's are while reading and writing. 

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